Monday, November 4, 2013

Life and Death

As I heard the news that one of my batch mate from school has died, I was in total shock. It was all sudden and it led me to think inquisitively about everything around me. Everything will either decay and decompose in the ground. Even if you're the president or just a regular janitor, you will bow down to the grounds of the world. As I saw all my batch mates weeping in sadness, I saw the love of each and everyone. They recall the memories and conversations they had with him and I realized one thing about life: It's too damn short.

Life is too damn short for us to not make memories with people and life is too damn short for us not to have meaningful conversations that will leave a mark to other people. One day we will die and our bodies will rot in the ground. But if you inspire and made adventurous memories with a lot people then your soul will never be forgotten and your memories will never perish.

Life is too damn short for us to regret. The world is mysterious and so are the infinite ways to live with it. So I realized that it's too damn short for us to contemplate with our what ifs. We should never delay moments that our family and friends offer us. We should always seize it. Because we never know the universe's mysterious ways.

Life is short but if we know how to live it then it will be a long journey. If we treat other people as if they were going to be dead by midnight; when we extend our kindness, encouragement and believe in them then we will live a short life full of journeys. If we know how to muster that kindness, encouragement and believe, people will remember who we are and they will do the same. Yes, you will die here on Earth. But your legacy will never perish.


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