If you think you are a failure, I want you to try again. You see, failing is just a proof that we are not perfect human beings. The fact that computer systems commit errors is an evidence that they were made by programmers who are not perfect. You are not perfect. You may exert a lot of efforts to achieve something, you may give it your all, you may think that there is nothing that you didn't do, there will always be times that you will fail. But it doesn't mean that you are a failure. It does not mean that you are not good enough, it just means that this is not yet your time to succeed. So I want you to try again. If you think you have done your best then try to level it up. If you think you have done everything then think of another thing. If you think that you were born to fail then I want you to think otherwise. You just have to try again because the next time you do, it might be the time that you will finally succeed. I want you to try again because the true failure is not trying and you are not one, so please, try again.
If you think you are ugly, I want you to look within you and think otherwise. You may think that you are ugly when you have flat nose. You may think that you are ugly when you have a lot of freckles and acne on your face. You may think that you are ugly when you have dark complexion. You may think that you are ugly when you have frizzy hair. But then real ugliness is within you. You are ugly when you do nothing but hurt other people’s feelings. You are ugly when you always try to pull someone down even when that person is not doing anything to you. You are ugly when all that you ever wanna do is see other people suffer. If you are not one of those, if all that you could ever wish for other people is happiness just like what you wishes for yourself, then you are beautiful. The real beauty is within you. It is when you are genuinely helping others. It is when all you ever wanna do is to be the reason of somebody else’s happiness. It is when your conscience is clean from everything that may ruin it. It is when you are just being simply you. You are beautiful. Don’t you ever forget that.
If you think you are broken, I want you to pick yourself up. You see, loving is such a hard thing because it could make you or break you. In this case, it did the latter. There is nothing wrong with what you did. It is completely natural to love someone because the desire is so deep within your heart. It is completely okay to fall for the wrong one because people don’t wear signs that they are the right one. The thing that is not right is when you make yourself miserable because of it. It is okay to cry and feel the pain for a few days but being like the way you are for eternity is not just right. So I want you to pick yourself up. I want you to pick up every little piece of you and draw some strength to stand up again. I want you to see the world as something beautiful and I want you to live the way you should. I want you to go out and see the sun and I want you to run and move on from where you are right now. Do not drown yourself with so much misery. There is more to life than loving that someone. There is more to life than loving at all. You deserve something more than that. You deserve to live and to be loved. So I want you to live first and you will be loved by the right one later.
If you think you are alone, I want you to look around you. There may be times that your mindset is that there is no one else in this world but you. There may be times that all that you could ever think about is the fact that no one is there to listen to you. There may be times that you feel like you are just an island in a wide ocean and no one is there to swim to you. I want you to think again. There are 8 billion people in this world. Some of them are members of your family. Some of them are your friends or classmates. Some of them are those people you see on some other social-networking sites. Others are just around you, maybe feeling the same way you do. I want you to look around you and choose someone, just one person that you could trust all your issues to. It could be your mother or your best friend or just one of your followers. I want you to pour out all your emotions to that someone and I want you to listen to whatever that someone may say. I want you to know that you are never alone because somewhere, someone is feeling just exactly the way you do. And even when all the people around you failed to be with you, I just want to remind you that God is there whenever you need Him.
If you think you are afraid, I want you to pray. Some people say that fear is not real. It is just something that you program in your mind that cause paranoia and it could damage you completely. It is just a monster that eats up your mind alive. It is just your view of how things are gonna happen based on your past experiences. The future is inevitable but not moving because of fear is not just so right at all. So I want you to pray. I want you to ask guidance from God. I want you to tell Him all that you ever wanna say. I want you to ask for a peace of mind and clarity because I know for sure that He will grant them to you. Fear is something that could destroy you completely. Don’t let that happen. When fear knocks, I want you to let faith answer the door and everything will be alright. Everything will be so much better than you fear it would be.
If you think you are sad, I want you to be happy. Sadness could be so addicting. It is like a drug or coffee or chocolate cake. It may be bad for you but there will always be those times that you think you can’t just have enough. You could be sad about almost everything in your life. From all the things that you wish you didn’t do, the things that you will never have again, the things that you failed to do and just everything that didn’t turn your way. There will always be those times when you feel like giving up. There will always be those times that all you ever wanted to do is disappear. During those moments, I want you to look back to everything that made you happy. I want you to reminisce all those moments when you felt like you had all the blessings in this world. I want you to consider the fact that you are alive and that somehow, you are still making it through. I want you to be happy because you deserve to. I want you to be happy because even when there are a lot of reasons for you to be sad, there will always be more reasons for you to be genuinely happy. I want you to look at those reasons instead and I want you to remove all those sadness away.
If you think you are nothing, I want you to know that you are loved. Yes, you are. You may feel unappreciated at times. You may feel like everyone just hates you because of who you are and who you are not. You may feel like you are just a piece of mess and that no one is willing to deal with you. I want you to keep in your mind that you are loved. You are loved by God, by your parents, your family, your friends and even those you never thought would love you. You are loved by a lot of people and even when they don’t say those three little words all the time, I want you to believe that they love you. You are special and even when there are a lot of challenges that you might face in the future, I want you to believe in yourself and all the people around you. You are loved and that is more than enough to know just to keep on going.
Guest Writer #4: LM
Name: LM
Age: 16
Age: 16
About Myself: (mysterious guest writer)
Favorite Quote: It is not length of life, but depth of life.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Favorite Quote: It is not length of life, but depth of life.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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