Monday, October 28, 2013

Food and Love

What do you feel when you see a jar of Nutella in your kitchen? Seeing that jar of chocolate spread makes your whole body ecstatic with happiness. It leaves you smiling. What do you feel when you wake up in the morning seeing a plate of scrumptious bacon with a sunny side egg as a side dish? It makes you not hate mornings. Food brings happiness to everyone. From a kid with a candy bar to a senior citizen with a granola bar, food help us to feel life.

Our generation, the internet generation, loves food. We make accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr, we take pictures with it on Instagram like it would add flavor to our food, and we use it as an alternative to things. But why do we love food so much?

"Humans don't just survive; they discover; they create. ... I mean, just look at what they do with food!" – Remy, Ratatouille, 2007"

The so called food porn craze on social medias are really hitting it. Who wouldn't love to see food at their best? It's really funny  how it makes a lot of people hungry at late nights. It's like when you're in your laptop and you're looking at your favorite food and you're like 2 inches away from its angelic taste. It's like you're so close but you're so far. I got to admit it but the one good thing about this so called food porn craze or just looking at food that attracts your senses is that it inspires people to make their own version.  They buy ingredients from the groceries and they try to copy it. People try and try to copy it until they perfect it. Which is a big deal because they learn.

We love food so much because it's a bandage to a broken heart.

"He left you with another girl? Let's order pizza. At least the pizza's hotter than her."

"She dumped you? You want some ice cream? It's cold as your ex's heart."

"Love? I'd rather eat."

When you're feeling lonely, sad or depressed, you need family and friends. But more importantly, you need yourself. You are your own machine. If you cannot function well then everything around you will not function well either. That is why you need the little things to comfort you. That is why there's this thing called "comfort food". When you're heartbroken, you will eat a lot because it makes you less pessimistic. You will see the world as a dark and negative place. But food will help you see, one by one, that in darkness, it's always the luminous stars that shine the brightest . It will help you to fix yourself first while with good company like your friends and family.


Food are  the little things in life that gives satisaction in our lives. Sweet, sour, bitter and saltiness that we feel when we eat can be compared to our lives. Life can be sometimes sweet, sour, bitter and salty. But if we know how to mix the flavors, just like Remy in Ratatouille when he mixed the piece cheese and strawberry, we will also experience the explosion of flavor. One last reminder, always remember that the happiness when you eat is only temporary. It makes you happy but it's not enough. The key to true happiness is sharing it with someone you love.

Bon Apetit!


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